Functions of a Complex Variable

Complex Functions




f(z)=u(x,y)+v(x,y)i where u(x,y) and v(x,y) are real functions.

Analytic Function

Cauchy Theorem

Classic Examples



They are entire.

Power Series


Holomorphic in radius of convergence, R. Typically convergent until your first nearest singularity.

Laurent Series

g(z)=k=ak(zz0)k=(zz0)+kak(zz0)k+bk(zz0)k. If any bk0 then g(z) has a ``pole’’ at z0. The order of the pole is the largest k such that bk is non-zero. I.e. 1/z has a first order pole at z=0 and 1/(z+i)2 has a second order pole at i.

If f has a Laurent series, then it is holomorphic away from poles. - Meromorphic.

Pole Terminology

Order is largest k and first order is called a simple pole. Meromorphic with poles where pm(z) has a root and pn(z) does not have a root.

Rational Functions



exp(z)=n1n!zn is entire.



sin,cos,cosh,sinh are entire. (Might also have some others?)



exp(logz)=z, with z=rexp(iθ). So, z=exp(u)exp(iv)=exp(u+iv), u=lnr. Then, v=θ+2πn, nZ. So, lnz is a multivalued function.

Multivalued Function and Branches

z=rexp(iθ). lnz=lnr+i(argz+2πn).

Just like the square root gives two values, additional context lets you know which value is returned for that problem.

n=0 gives the principal branch, Ln z.

We can choose π<argzπ; n=0, π<argz3π; n=1, 3π<argzπ; n=1.

In this way, we choose a branch cut from 0 to negative infinity along the negative real axis. Branch point, you cannot move a branch point from a branch cut.




z=rexp(iθ+2nπ). z1/n=r1/nexpiθ+2nπn.

So, z1/2=rexpiθ+2nπ2=rexp(iθ/2)(1)n. So, there are only 2 branches.


Derivatives of a complex function are the same as typical derivatives.

Contour Integrals


Suppose we have two curves going from a to b. If there are no singularities enclosed in the region bounded by the curves then the circulation is zero. If it contains a singularity, it is dependent on the singularities.

Cauchy-Gorsat Theorem

If γ is a piecewise regular closed contour and f(z) is holomorphic everywhere in and on γ then γdzf(z)=0. Sometimes written dzf(z)=0.


The integrals are typically oriented in a CCW fashion.

Cauchy Integral Representation

f(z)=12πiγdzf(z)/(zz) for z inside the contour γ.

Proof. Because f(z) is holomorphic, we can deform the contour to anything around the point. So for instance, we can do a circle of radius ε around the point z. For a small radius, zz. Then, f(z)=f(z)+f(z)(zz)+O(ε2). So, dzf(z)zz=dzf(z)+f(z)(zz)zz=dzf(z)zz+f(z)=2πif(z)+2πε=2πif(z)+0=2πif(z). Thus, we have f(z)=12πi2πif(z)=f(z).


Note, nnz1zz=(1)nn!(1)n(zz)n=n!(zz)n. Thus, we have f(n)(z)=n!2πidzf(z)(zz)n+1

Cauchy Residue Theorem Implications from Integral Representation

From this, we have, dzf(z)(zz)n+1=2πin!f(n)(z)?


Notation: D denotes the boundary of D.

If f is holomorphic in a domain D, then |f(z)|, [f(z)], and [f(z)] cannot have local extrema inside D (i.e. their extrema are on D).

A bounded entire function is constant. Thus, all interesting functions either have singularities if they are bound at infinity or are unbound. Thus, a function is either constant or unbound at infinity.

Series Expansions

What about Regions in which f(x) is not Holomorphic everywhere?

I.e. where we have singularities.

Excise the singularity from the domain… Lauraunt expansion.

Laurent Series


Suppose that f(z) is holomorphic in the annulus of C2 and C1 which are circles with the positive orientation (CCW) centered around z0. Then there exists a series: f(z)=n=dn(zz0)n,dn=12πiγdzf(z)(zz0)n+1 that converges uniformily to f(z) inside the annulus. γ is any contour inside the annulus.

This is also written as f(z)=n=1bn(zz0)n+m=0am(zz0)m,an=12πidzf(z)(zz0)n+1,bn=12πidz(zz0)n1f(z).

The bn series is called the principal part.

Proof. Similar to Taylor series. Let C2 be the outer circle. Then we can go along C2 and as we get close to the beginning, go down to C1, then traverse C1 backwards, as we get close to the beginning of C1 we jump back up to C2’s beginning.

Finding Coefficients

Calculating Laurent series coefficients is typically done by: guess and check, partial fractions, leverage the binomial expansion, taylor series.


f(z)=zexp(1/z). Expect: z=0. Expand with z0=0. Then, f(z)=zn1n!zn=(1)nn!zn1. The principal part goes from n=2 onwards. a1=1, a0=1, bn=(1)(n+1)(n+1)!, .

Classifying Singularities

Cauchy Residues


Example 1


So, Res f(0)=limz0(z)f(z)=zz=1.

Example 2

f(z)=1z2. So, Res f(0)=limz0ddzz2f(z)=limz0ddz1=0.

Example 3

f(z)=z2+5z+3(z1)(z+2)2. Singularities at z=1 and z=2.

Res f(1)=limz1z2+5z+3(z+2)2=1+5+39=1.

Res f(2)=limz2ddzz2+5z+3z1=limz2(2z+5)(z1)(z2+5z+3)(1)(z1)2=(4+5)(3)(410+3)9=3+39=0.

Example 4

h(z)=z2z2+3=z2(z+3i)(z3i) Singularities at ±3i.

Then, Res f(3i)=(3i)2(3i+3i)=32i.

Res f(3i)=32i.

Example 5

I=0dxx2(x2+1)(x2+3)=0dxx2(x+i)(xi)(x+3i)(x3i). This function is even. So, 2I=dxx2(x2+1)(x2+3). Since this is a rational function, dxf(z)=2πiRes f(i)+2πiRes f(3i) These are simple poles, with residues: Res f(i)=(i)2dx(x4+4x2+3)=14(i)+8i=i4.

Res f(3i)=3(i)24i33+8i3=3(i)3(84)i(i)=3i43.


Example 6

An integral that arises in optics.

I=0dxsinxx=12dxsinxx=14iexp(ix)exp(ix)x=12expixx. This has a simple pole at 0.

The exponential approaches zero in the upper half of the plane but explodes in the bottom half of the plane. Thus, we see that the top semicircle contributes nothing and closes the contour.

Our integral traverses through the singularity - our theorems don’t apply. So the answer is ambiguous. We may choose the path Γε or Γε+.

I=12limR{RR+ΓR+dzf(z)+}. In this case, both Γε paths yield the same result. I=12limR,ε0{Rεf(x)dx+εRf(x)dx+ΓR+dzf(z)+Γεf(z)dz}.


For the top path, we see that we are holomorphic in the entire region, thus we get 0. For the bottom path, we have a simple pole and in the limit of z to zero, thus we have zero. Thus, either way we find the overall contour integral to be zero. Therefore, expizzdz=πi. Thus, our original integral is π2.

Author: Christian Cunningham

Created: 2024-05-30 Thu 21:15
